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Arduino e la Luce - Massimo Banzi

Last weekend at Fondazione Achille Castiglioni Massimo Banzi held a workshop called “Arduino and the light” where participants learned the basics of Arduino and created an interactive lamp digitally manufactured and designed by Habits Studio.

The Tinkerlamp was developed to be easily assembled the necessity of any technical notion: a single sheet of wood includes all the pieces to be mounted in interlocking, avoiding the use of glues.


All the files to produce the laser-cut lamp will be  are released with an open-source license and now will be downloadable from Habit’s website.

Even without any knowledge of electronics, participants  learnt and practiced how to add interaction to the lamp using Tinkerkit, a collection of different sensors and actuators to make prototyping much easier as you can directly hook them up to the Arduino.

ArduinoLuce - Tinkerkit


Take a look at the pictures of the two-day workshop on our Flickr set below, click on it for bigger pictures!


Workshop Arduino alla Fondazione Achille Castiglioni – ultimi posti!

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Tinker lamp

Sabato e domenica prossimi presso la Fondazione Achille Castiglioni a Milano, Massimo Banzi terrà un workshop dal titolo “Arduino e la luce” in cui i partecipanti realizzeranno la Tinker Lamp (nelle foto) fabbricata digitalmente e disegnata dallo studio Habits, resa interattiva tramite Arduino.

Il ricavato del workshop andrà alla Fondazione Achille Castiglioni.

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