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BO.Duino – ATmega328 Arduino Compatible board

arduino, AT24, ATmega328, atmel, BO.Duino, clock, DHT11, DS18B20, LED, microSD, Real-time clock, RGB Comments Off on BO.Duino – ATmega328 Arduino Compatible board 


BO.Duino is an Arduino compatible board based on ATmega328 ATMEL’s mcu. This board features many peripherals usually externally connected on a breadboard or prototyping board such as sensors, SD card etc. Peripherals included are:

- A real-time clock
- AT24 series external memory chip
- MicroSD card adaptor (SPI)
- A potentiometer on analog input
- Connector for DS18b20 or DHt11 series sensors

BO.Duino – ATmega328 Arduino Compatible board - [Link]

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