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Tank projects are great because while every tank design is the same in a fundamental way, there’s nevertheless endless variety in the execution and results. [Hoo Jian Li]’s 3D Printed Tank is smartly laid out and has an unusual tank tread that shows off some slick curves.

The tank itself is remotely controlled over Bluetooth with a custom controller that uses the common HC-05 Bluetooth radio units. The treads are driven by four hobby gearmotors with custom designed wheels, and run over an idler wheel in the center of the body. There isn’t any method of taking up slack in the track and a ripple in the top surface of the track is visible as it drives, but the tank is small enough that it doesn’t seem to mind much. STL files and source code is available on GitHub; unfortunately the repository lacks a wiring diagram but between the low component count, photos, and source code that’s not a show-stopper.

Tank treads see a lot of variation, from 3D printed designs for tracks that use a piece of filament as hinges to an attempt to use a conveyor belt as a tank tread for a go-kart. Some tank projects even eschew treads altogether and go for a screw drive.

Aquesta pàgina ens explica com podem controlar la velocitat dels nostres motors fent ús de la funció analogWrite.S'utilitzen les sortides 10 i 11 de l'arduino UNO (pins PWM), connectades als pins enable del xip L293D dels dos motors del nostre robot.


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Aquesta pàgina ens explica com podem controlar la velocitat dels nostres motors fent ús de la funció analogWrite.S'utilitzen les sortides 10 i 11 de l'arduino UNO (pins PWM), connectades als pins enable del xip L293D dels dos motors del nostre robot.


Si voleu el muntatge en el simulador proteus (molt bona explicació) no us perdeu el vídeo:

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